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General enquiries / data submission

We are happy to work with the pesticide industry to improve the data within the PPDB. If you spot an error or would like to provide us with data we do not currently have please email us the following information to

Metabolite data

We have been working with the European Pesticide industry to improve the information held in the PPDB regarding 'relevant' soil and groundwater metabolites. Following discussions various changes have been made to how these data are presented in the PPDB website pages. We have already extracted data from a significant number of EFSA dossiers and this data has been used to update the database records. However, it is not complete and is unvalidated. If you wish to help us with this process (and its in everybody's interest that our data is high quality) would you please check what data we have already to see if it is correct. If there are errors or the data is missing please complete the Pesticide metabolite datasheet (MS Excel spreadsheet) available in the link below and email to

The AERU team would like to thank Chris Leake, Volker Laabs and Louise Brinkworth for the support and expert advice they have given for the upgrading of the metabolite data structure within the PPDB.